

When putting a song together you need some basic elements. An Artist will have their own unique way of expressing the song and the way they want to structure the song. Many singers write their own songs and don’t play an instrument, they create the lyrics and melody. While others songwriters create songs with a beat or an instrument like a piano or guitar. Music training is not a must for songwriting. There are a few basic elements needed to create a song.

There is no specific order for writing a song, but let’s start with the lyrics and melody. It is the single most memorable part of a song. Most people can identify a song with just a few notes of the melody. The phrases or hook like “Let It Be” from the Beatles will play over and over in your head.

The rhythm structure of a song is made up of patterns by an instrument, usually the drums and bass guitar. These instruments will play a series of rhythmic patterns to lay the foundation of a song. The rhythm and melody are what make a song stand out and memorable. For instance, “We Will Rock You” all you need to hear are the first three beats of the song from the drums you can identify the song.

The harmonies of a song play an important role in the songwriting process. Harmonies blend together adding texture and depth to a song. Different instruments in a song add layers of harmonies. The Beach Boys have eloquent and complex vocal harmonies in their music.

Listen to the new original song by Chelsko called Babylon, listen to the simple layering of instruments and beautiful vocals with a great message!


What makes pirates such good singers? They can hit the high Cs!

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