

The picture you see attached is the grand staff. A staff consists of five lines and four spaces. So you can see from the picture there are two staffs joined together (by a brace, the straight line and the curvy line that looks like a sideways mustache). By joining the two staffs together (treble staff & bass staff) you form the grand staff

The top staff is called the treble staff and the symbol you see on the left side of the staff (universal symbol for music) is called the treble clef or G clef. The note you see below the treble staff is middle C. So any notes going up from middle C is what a soprano would sing. If you are a beginner in piano, this is what the right hand would play going up the piano (to the right of middle C on the piano).

The lower staff is called the bass staff and the symbol on the left side of the staff (looks like a sad face sideways) is called the bass clef or F clef. So any notes below middle C are what a bass singer would sing. If you are a beginner in piano, this is what the left hand would play going down the piano (to the left of middle C on the piano).

Clear as mud! If you have any questions about the grand staff, just send it in a comment and I will answer your questions.


What is the musical part of a snake?

The scales.

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