It is important for singers and pianist (musicians) to understand music in general. Music theory helps you to understand timing, understand rhythm and logically understand the makeup of song. You need to know how to understand the language your band members are speaking. Understanding music theory will help you play any instrument. It is the study of music, examining all of the components that are used in writing a piece of music. It is the compilation of methods and concepts…

What is Music Theory?

It is important for singers and pianist (musicians) to understand music in general. Music theory helps you to understand timing, understand rhythm and logically understand the makeup of song. You need to know how to understand the language your band members are speaking. Understanding music theory will help you play any instrument. It is the study of music, examining all of the components that are used in writing a piece of music. It is the compilation of methods and concepts musicians use in creating songs The four key elements are music notation (written music for playing piano or sung by a human voice), time signature, key signature and chord progressions.

The seven elements of music: Pitch (high or lowness of a note), Duration (how long the note lasts), Dynamics (how loud or soft a note is played or sung), Tempo (how fast or slow to play or sing a song), Timbre (different sound like a piano vs. a singer singing the same note), Texture (the layers of a song – all the instruments and vocal harmonies) and Structure (verse, verse, chorus, verse etc.).

An understanding for music theory makes a musically literate musician and singer. You will not only gain the respect of your peers; you will also be able to speak the language of your band members. When you understand the makeup of a song, it will help you read and write it as well.


What’s the difference between a musician and a large pizza?

A pizza can feed a family of four!

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