A motif is the smallest possible group of notes encapsulating an idea or theme. A motif is a molecule of music, reoccurring throughout the song in different variations. It may have melodic (melody), harmonic (harmonies), and/or rhythmic aspects to the music phrase. A motif can be played on a piano, sung by a singer or played with other instruments. A composer will use a motif to build a larger piece of music by duplicating, modifying and combining it with other musical ideas. It can be a leading phrase that is repeated and varied throughout the song. An example of a motif is Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, the four note phrase da, da, da, dum – repeated – da, da, da, dum.

Some of the motif variations that composers use include:

1. Transposition: Play the motif higher or lower in pitch

2. Inversion: Play the motive flipped—a move down becomes a move up, and vice versa

3. Retrograde: Play the motif backwards

4. Contour Transformations: Play or sing the same basic shape, but make the intervals (distance between notes) larger or smaller.

5. Diminution: Play the motif faster

6. Augmentation: Play the motif slower

7. Melodic transformation: Keep the rhythm of the motif while changing the melody.

8. Rhythmic transformation: Keep the melody of the motif while changing the rhythm

Examples of songs that use motif:

“Satin Doll” by Duke Ellington

Theme from The Simpsons by Danny Elfman

“I Got Rhythm” by George Gershwin

Listen to Sheila Corpuz playing Ludwig van Beethoven’s 5th Symphony!


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