Some musicians are born with a natural “ear” for hearing and being able to match the pitch. Others (the majority of us) need to work on this regularly. Even professionals slide sharp or flat. It is something that needs continuous attention and practice. Good singers use their ears as much as their singing voice. The soloist’s ears are as important as their vocal sound. Any vocalist or musician will tell you their ears are tools to help them sound better.…


Some musicians are born with a natural “ear” for hearing and being able to match the pitch. Others (the majority of us) need to work on this regularly. Even professionals slide sharp or flat. It is something that needs continuous attention and practice.

Good singers use their ears as much as their singing voice. The soloist’s ears are as important as their vocal sound. Any vocalist or musician will tell you their ears are tools to help them sound better. Singer’s use their ears to check their vocal pitch and fine-tune their voice. Musicians use their ears to check volume, balance and blend with other band members.

To accomplish all this requires the use of ear training and active listening while singing and playing piano or any other type of instrument. Training your ears is incredibly valuable in helping you become a better vocalist, pianist or musician. Many pop songs use the same four chords over and over again.

Listening skills can always be taught and improved upon. Even daily practice of songs will strengthen your musical ear. Your vocal coach or music instructor can give you daily vocal exercises to strengthen your listening skills. Even if you don’t master perfect pitch, you can become an amazing musician or singer.


How do you get out of a locked room if it has a guitar in it? You play until you find the key and then use it to get out.
