

It helps to understand how all the pieces fit together and what is going on inside your body when you sing is amazing. Singing is the air flow from exhaling breath as it passes over the vocal cords. The air flow causes the vocal cords to vibrate and the sound is the made louder and modified by the resonance spaces located in the mouth, throat and behind the nose.

There are three basic elements to produce sound when singing: air supply, vibration and resonance. The amount of air-flow and pressure passing through the larynx will determine the strength and loudness of a voice. The air pressure is converted into vibration, which is called phonation. As the air passes through the vocal tract and the air pressure causes vibration, you shape your tone through resonance. Resonance is the intensity and quality of the tone you hear when you are singing. Resonance in singing is the true key to vocal health and allowing a powerful and sustaining vocal tone.

The vocal tract is made up of four parts: the oral cavity (which is the inside of your mouth from the lips to the front two-thirds of your tongue), the nasal cavity (inside the nose), the larynx (voice box which houses the vocal folds – cords), and the pharynx (hollow tube that starts behind the nose and goes down the back of the neck). Each of these four components of your vocal tract are used to produce sound when you sing. You can think of your vocal tract as a container of air starting from the vocal folds going up to your lips.

Listen to the emotion and beautiful tone of Woody Chung singing “Hate Everything.”


What do all great conductors have in common? They’re all dead

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