

Every singer strives to sing with control and power in their voice, very few start out that way. I have come across a few singers that start naturally with power at a young age, but It normally takes time and work to achieve power and control in your voice. Where does the power come from? It’s not yelling; the power comes from the diaphragm and breath support. You need to sing from the diaphragm (your check cavity) in every register: chest, middle, or head voice.

The diaphragm is a thin muscle that sits at the base of your chest and above your abdomen; it’s in between your tummy and your lungs. The diaphragm contracts and flattens out when you breathe in (breathing into the diaphragm) and as you exhale the diaphragm relaxes forming a bowl shape. To describe breath support is when you exhale, using your upper stomach and chest muscles surrounding the lungs to control the release of air in a steady, slow stream.

Here is an exercise: slowly breath in, you are flattening the diaphragm and you will feel the area below the rib cage expand, tightening your stomach muscles; now control your breath as you exhale in a slow steady stream. The combo of both moves together gives you the strength, power, support and control of your voice. This will help you control vocals and prevent wavering in pitch.

I have some great exercises to help on my website Vocal CD page. Just download the CD and look for the diaphragm exercises. Check out Audrey Diaz video showing her vocal growth with diaphragm and breath support, technique and creating her own unique sound.


Why do hummingbirds hum? Because they forgot the words!


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