One of the most important qualities a singer or pianist can possess is confidence! The more you perform the more your confidence will grow. This is a key issue for your development if you want to be a performing artist. Being confident is nothing more than believing in yourself, confidence comes from within. You need to push through the self-doubt and replace it with positive and confident thoughts. To build confidence as a singer it is important to warm up…


One of the most important qualities a singer or pianist can possess is confidence! The more you perform the more your confidence will grow. This is a key issue for your development if you want to be a performing artist. Being confident is nothing more than believing in yourself, confidence comes from within. You need to push through the self-doubt and replace it with positive and confident thoughts.

To build confidence as a singer it is important to warm up with vocal and breathing exercises. Proper posture makes you feel confident and daily practice helps perfect your vocals. Also, try singing in front of your family or friends, have a karaoke night. Recording yourself objectively (as if you were listening to someone else) this allows you to hear your current strengths and weakness, and work on them. Your self-talk, the conversation that goes on inside your head is the most important thing. You cannot stop negative thoughts from entering your brain, but you can prevent yourself from dwelling on them. When a negative thought happens immediately counter it with a positive thought and repeat a positive phrase about yourself continuously until the negative one is gone.

What does it mean to play piano with confidence? For many piano students, that feeling of confidence is not an easily obtained. Sitting down to play can create feeling of self-doubt and anxiety. It’s important to practice daily, even if it is for a short time and try recording your practice. Listen to the recording and focus on improving and not putting yourself down; never compare yourself with others. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, focus on the strengths and work on the weaknesses. Self-confidence comes from within, knowing who you are and not looking at your weaknesses – focus on your strengths. Make a list of five things you like about yourself and add one more item each week. Just have fun with it and enjoy yourself; focus on the positives, not the negatives. Think about when you started and how far you’ve come. Knowing you are enough and that you were born with something special, something different that no one else has and let that specialness shine through in your own unique way.


Why does the orchestra have bad manners? Because it doesn’t know how to conduct itself.

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