I’m sure you’ve heard the term phonation (production of speech sound), phonatory process, voicing (speech sound with resonance of the vocal cords) and they all mean the same thing. They are all describing the physical process in which sound is produced. As a singer you are converting air pressure into audible sound through vocal fold vibrations. The vocal folds (cords) produce sound through vibration. When you begin to sing, inhalation of air causes pressure to drop in the larynx.


I’m sure you’ve heard the term phonation (production of speech sound), phonatory process, voicing (speech sound with resonance of the vocal cords) and they all mean the same thing. They are all describing the physical process in which sound is produced. As a singer you are converting air pressure into audible sound through vocal fold vibrations.

The vocal folds (cords) produce sound through vibration. When you begin to sing, inhalation of air causes pressure to drop in the larynx. The air is pushed out of the lungs through the glottis (which is the opening between the vocal folds). The pressure causes the vocal folds (which stretch across the larynx) to vibrate and sound is produced. The faster the vibration produces a higher pitch (sound) and the slower vibration produces a lower pitch (sound).

The vocal folds give the singer a wide range of control over the pitch and the sound that is produced. As a singer, you always want consistent volume, tone, pitch, support and your unique style all at the same time. The joke cartoon has nothing to do with the blog…it’s just funny!


How many bluegrass players does it take to change a light bulb? None. They won’t touch anything electric.

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