

When you sing a song or play a song on the piano, it’s important that you connect to the song (you need to feel and emotionally understand the message of the song). Sometimes people (including children) attach to the melody and beat. As a singer or pianist, you need to care about the meaning of the song. This will instantly improve your performance because you are connecting with it, enabling you to sing with emotion.

If you can connect your feelings to the song then you are more likely to sing emotionally. Connecting to the song makes you feel more confident and enabling you to be more believable to the audience. Choose the right songs and make sure the message of the song means something to you. It is very hard to be emotionally sincere about a song if you don’t care about song or the message. The song choices you make as a performer are so important if you really want to make an impact. Just singing or playing a song like a robot, unemotional, going through the technical aspects without emotion will not make much of an impact on your audience. If you relate to the song, feel the message and it means something to you, you can easily get into the song and relay the message with emotion naturally. You must capture the emotions, feel them inside yourself and express them through your singing or piano playing. ­­­

It is important that your facial expression matches the feeling of the song. If you are frowning and the song it very upbeat, you are sending the wrong message and the emotion of the song contradict what your face is saying. Other ways to show expression and emotion is through runs, riffs, using vibrato or not, dynamics and phrasing. So next time you sing or play a song on the piano, immerse yourself into the emotions of the song you are performing. Listen to Woody Chung as he completely immerses himself into the song as he sings “Japanese Denim” and you can feel his connection and emotion in the song!


What’s the difference between a jet airplane and a trumpet? About three decibels.


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