The dreaded vocal breaks in the voice can be a singer’s worst nightmare. It’s when your voice loses connection, your throat muscles constrict and you lose control of the sound, it cuts off. Sometimes your voice will crack or you can hear a shift in the voice to a terribly weak or thin sound. It’s important to understand what causes the problem and how to fix it when you sing. When these things happen your throat is constricting, the muscles…


The dreaded vocal breaks in the voice can be a singer’s worst nightmare. It’s when your voice loses connection, your throat muscles constrict and you lose control of the sound, it cuts off. Sometimes your voice will crack or you can hear a shift in the voice to a terribly weak or thin sound. It’s important to understand what causes the problem and how to fix it when you sing.

When these things happen your throat is constricting, the muscles are trying to close the throat. You need to retrain the muscles to pull away and keep an open throat. The dramatic crack in the voice is because of tension building which causes constriction in the throat not allowing the freedom to move freely through the vocal breaks.

Learn how to keep an open throat which allows the air to pass through at a slower rate. The air pressure and diaphragm support are also important element to being able to control when keeping the throat open through those areas. Make sure you keep an open throat, do not let your throat muscles constrict (try to close). If you yawn, that gives you the open throat feeling; all the muscles are pushing outward away from the throat and keeping the passage for air open. When you yawn you can also feel your larynx naturally move down. Another way you can feel it is by opening your mouth and slowly breath in. You feel all the muscles open the throat for air to pass through. Learning how to sing and keep an open throat takes work, it does not just happen overnight. The bubble (lip trill) and “R” roll (tongue trill) help to work through this technique. No matter where you are in you are singing chest, middle, or head register, these two exercises will allow you to move from one register to another with easy. The goal is to create a consistent sound from top to bottom when you are singing. It’s important to learn how to bridging the gap between registers.


Why did the chicken join the band?

Because he had the drumsticks!

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