

Singing in a mixed voice will produce a fuller sound in your head register. The middle voice feels like a lighter version of chest voice and a fuller version of head voice. Mixed voice combines the beautiful highs of head voice with the deep and strong lows of chest voice. It produces a fuller, powerful tone with richness in your head voice when you hit those higher notes. You will feel chest (lower register) and head (head register) vibrations at the same time.

It’s time to eliminate your “vocal breaks” with practice and get some power in your higher register with the mixed voice. If you laugh really loud ha, ha, ha in your lower register, now laugh the same way in a higher pitch you will feel it. The lip trill or bubble exercise will help you experience the mixed voice when you get to the middle and head register.

Some people think it’s a myth, but after 20+ years as a vocal coach, I have found some people are able to do it and some are not. It does take a lot of time to master. Use an experienced vocal coach to help you smooth out the transition areas and access your mixed voice. The video attached is Audrey Diaz, the queen of the mixed voice, singing “Shallow” at the Ventura County Fair using her mixed voice in the chorus as she moves into the upper register.


How does a young man become a member of a high school chorus? On the first day of school, he turns into the wrong classroom.

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