How To Improve Y

How To Improve Your Singing Tone

Your voice is your calling card; it has the power to communicate confidence and emotion in your singing. Your singing voice can make you sound like a professional singer or a nervous Nellie. Have you ever had someone comment “you have good tone?”

The tone of your voice is the unique sound, color and timbre qualities that give you a distinctly different sound than anyone else. It is the overall sound of your voice. For example, Joe Cocker had a very hoarse and raspy voice and Elton John has a smooth, lighter and brighter voice. It’s important to know where, in your vocal range, does your voice sound best. Karen Carpenter’s brother would write songs in the sweet spot of her vocal range, where her tone sounded the best.

Just as voices have different tones, so do pianos and other instruments. They all have their own unique tone. There is a difference in tone playing a piano verses a keyboard.

To improve your singing and tone, practice the different vowel sounds in the head, middle, and chest voice (ah, oh, ee, ect.). Listen to how the different vowels sound in each register. Start in the lower register and work your way up to the head register. Now, pretend you have a British accent, which gives you a warmer and fuller sound because of the higher resonance and the way the vowels are pronounced. Record yourself singing a song, then record yourself again, this time using a British accent and see how it changes the tone in your voice! Listen to Audrey Diaz (and the Flash) performing “Valerie” with a distinct and unique tone.


“I wrote a song, but I can’t read music so I don’t know what it is.”

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