Harsh dry winds wreak havoc with a singers voice during the winter months. Spending time out in the cold weather doesn’t help. Low humidity decreases the fluidity of mucus and causes the vocal chords to dry out. This can easily create cracking and hoarseness in a voice. Overuse of the voice, such as prolonged intense singing or shouting at a rally, can also strain the vocal folds (cords). What causes vocal fold (cord) injury? 1. Singing loudly with poor technique…


Harsh dry winds wreak havoc with a singers voice during the winter months. Spending time out in the cold weather doesn’t help. Low humidity decreases the fluidity of mucus and causes the vocal chords to dry out. This can easily create cracking and hoarseness in a voice. Overuse of the voice, such as prolonged intense singing or shouting at a rally, can also strain the vocal folds (cords).

What causes vocal fold (cord) injury?

1. Singing loudly with poor technique

2. Chronic screaming

3. Smoking

4. Uncontrolled acid reflux (which you might not even know about if it happens when you are sleeping)

5. Forcing your voice when you have bronchitis, laryngitis, a bad cold or any other sickness that affects your voice.

Vocal cord injuries created by these actions:

1. Rupture of vocal cord lining and possible bleeding.

2. Polyps (growths, cysts in the vocal folds)

3. Fibrosis (scarring or thickening of the vocal folds)

4. Nodules (hard, rough growths in your vocal folds)

Protect your voice by using proper vocal technique, staying hydrated, avoid yelling, staying away from foods that cause acid reflux. Take care of your voice during these winter months and use a humidifier in your room at night. A professional vocal coach can help you with good technique in a voice lesson. If you’ve damaged your voice and had surgery, allow adequate time to heal before returning to full voice use and singing lessons.


What do you call a fish that needs help with his or her vocals?


