No one likes the word failure, but everyone experiences it and no one likes to fail. You can fail at something small or large; it doesn’t matter but failure drains your ego and self-esteem. Whether it’s singing a song or playing the piano and getting negative response, it hurts. No matter what the scenario, small like mean comments or large, like losing a job or getting turned down for something you really wanted. You have to let things go and…


No one likes the word failure, but everyone experiences it and no one likes to fail. You can fail at something small or large; it doesn’t matter but failure drains your ego and self-esteem. Whether it’s singing a song or playing the piano and getting negative response, it hurts. No matter what the scenario, small like mean comments or large, like losing a job or getting turned down for something you really wanted. You have to let things go and reset. You cannot focus on the failures, but use them as a learning tool to do better! You cannot experience success until you’ve experienced failure. So do not look it negatively, look at it as the first step to success. It’s how you view the experience and play it in your mind.

Learning to refocus that energy (anger, frustration, anxiety) and channel it in a different direction. I personally like to work out, running, swimming or riding a bike. Burn off the frustration until you are too tired and you’ve gotten rid of the negative emotions. Do not let negative thoughts play over and over in your mind, they will destroy you. Stop the thought process and change the thoughts into something positive. For instance, “next time I will succeed,” “I will be amazing,” “this is just the beginning,” change the negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

Dealing with failure mentally, is accepting what has happened, thinking about what you could have done differently and figuring out what you have learned from it. Now, create a future scenario of the incident happening again and how could you can get a better result. Never make a decision when you are still emotional about it; wait until the dust has cleared in your head and then make your decisions. Remember you have not failed until you quit trying.

Joke For The Day:

What do you call a singing laptop?

A Dell (Adele)

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