When you begin to sing, you will inhale causing the diaphragm muscles to constrict, which causes the lungs to expand and fill up with air. As you exhale, the diaphragm muscles contract causing increased pressure and creating a vibration of the vocal cords (folds). The exhaled breath is then forced out of the lungs along the trachea, passing through the vocal cords, which are capable of vibrating at an incredibly fast rate. For singing to exist, the vocal cords must…


When you begin to sing, you will inhale causing the diaphragm muscles to constrict, which causes the lungs to expand and fill up with air. As you exhale, the diaphragm muscles contract causing increased pressure and creating a vibration of the vocal cords (folds). The exhaled breath is then forced out of the lungs along the trachea, passing through the vocal cords, which are capable of vibrating at an incredibly fast rate. For singing to exist, the vocal cords must vibrate and it is at this point that the vibration of the vocal cords, coupled with the exhaling breath creates vocal sound. This sound is then shaped by the manipulation of the various structures along the vocal tract; the positioning of the tongue, the voice box (larynx), oral cavity, etc., also manipulate the shape of sound. The articulators are the cheeks, tongue, teeth and lips; and they all contribute to vocal articulation (see 12/12/20 blog “Articulators, The Tools We Use To Sing), whereas the sinus area, laryngeal cavity and pharyngeal cavity all act as vocal resonating chambers (see 12/14/20 blog “Your Personal Acoustic Chambers”). Vocal training is accomplished through daily vocal exercises; the exercises are designed to strengthen the diaphragm, larynx, breath control and other aspects of the singing voice. The singer learns how to control the muscles in the diaphragm and the vocal tract resulting in a more powerful singing voice and creating beautiful vocal tone.


What’s the difference between a folk guitar player and a large pizza? A large pizza can feed a family of four.

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