
How Does Music Create Emotion?

To put emotion into your singing or playing piano, you must feel the emotion yourself. Whether it’s joy, sadness, longing, pain, love, etc., you must feel it in order to release it to others. For a singer or pianist, it could be the music or the lyrics that draws you in or it could be both. Have you ever listened to a song and the music moved you. Then you found out what the lyrics were saying and thought “wow, that is not what I thought the artist was singing.” Pleasurable music will result in the release of neurotransmitters in the brain. These neurotransmitters are associated with our reward system in the brain. Listening, singing, or playing music on the piano can be the easiest way to change your mood, make you happy and relieve stress!

There are many reasons why music stirs up emotions in a person. How do you interpret the lyrics for a song? What do they mean to you? What feelings do the words awaken in you, and how can you evoke those feeling to the audience? Where does it make sense to increase or decrease volume? Also, the rhythmic pattern you choose to use will create a specific feel and style to the song. The rhythmic pattern will also determine the mood and emotion. If you’ve ever watched a movie without the music in a scene, you will find it lacking in emotion. But add the music to each scene in a movie and it adds emotion, drama or suspense. Next time you watch a movie, notice the music in the background. Pay attention to how the music is making you feel, what emotions are stirring up inside you? Are you feeling happy, sad, scared or fearful? Now, turn the sound off and watch the screen, the emotion will subside.

Every singer or pianist needs the emotional element in their performance, otherwise it will fall flat. You must feel it before you can transfer it to the listener. Check out the video attached of little Natalie Rodriguez singing “The Earth Song,” you can feel the emotion in her singing.


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