

Are you a soprano or tenor who’s hoping to expand your range into those lower notes? While you may have mastered those high notes, you need to develop your lower range to be an amazing singer. When you are practicing your daily vocal exercises really push into those lower notes. With practice, you will be able to sing a range of notes that span from the top of the range down to the bottom. There are five groups of muscles busily adjusting so that just the right length and thickness of the vocal cords are able to vibrate. The faster the vibration creates a higher tone and a slower vibration creates a lower tone.

The chest register refers to the natural manner of action of the vocal folds. The majority of talking is done in this register. When you sing in your “chest voice” you should feel more vibration around your lower neck, and sternum. Most men speak entirely within their chest voice, while most women use both their chest and middle voices to speak; this is referred to as “speech level”. It begins and ends in different places for everyone, depending on your voice category or type (bass, tenor, alto, soprano). That’s why it is important to figure out your range and to identify your voice type. Using your chest voice properly will result in a full, strong, warm & rich sound; most similar to your speaking voice tone.

Here is an exercise to help you with the chest voice: begin speaking in your normal voice. As you begin speaking, slowly transition the words into the “ooh” sound. You should feel resonance in your lower neck and chest. Another way to find your chest voice is by saying “Ah” in the lowest tone you can hit. Here is an example: release a heavy sigh (ahhh), feel the drop in the sigh. Your vocal cords have to be relaxed in order to hit a low note. Make a sighing noise Listen to the amazing voice of Juan D hit those low notes in “Ali Di Liberta,” so beautiful!


What’s the latest crime wave in New York City? Drive-by trombone solos.

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