

When you sing, articulation shapes your tone, the formation of a clear and distinct sound while singing and vowel articulation forms your vowel sounds and makes a huge impact on how you sound when you sing. If you are not forming them properly you will not sound your best. You can change the way you sound instantly through articulation. Articulation also deals with the clarity of playing piano or any other instrument.

For a singer, articulation deals with the clarity, projection and conveyance of words sung using the tongue and the lips; singing clearly and precisely on the notes. When classical music is sung, articulation is very precise, the words and notes are very clear and crisp. In pop, contemporary and country music the notes and words are less crisp and precise; notes and words sometimes bend. However, vowel articulation will change your sound instantly and create a wonderful sound when you sing if done correctly. When singing vowel sounds, the positioning of your lips, arching your tongue a specific way is key. One important fact, keep your tongue against the front teeth on the bottom of your mouth for all vowel sounds. I’ve attached Destiny Avery singing “Beau Soir” by French Composer Claude Debussy, perfect example of articulation in her singing.

When playing piano, articulation has to do with the way you strike a piano key to make the desired sound. For instance, to get the staccato sound you must strike the keys a certain way. Or legato, playing notes smoothly and connected.

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