All great singers share five attributes and you can master these traits, but it takes dedication and work (practice)! When you think of an amazing singer, what do you notice? Most likely it’s their tone, how their voice sounds when singing a song. The first attribute is belting out the notes. Belting is not yelling; it’s producing a strong and powerful sound using breath & diaphragm support. Breathing into the diaphragm and exhaling using the diaphragm and surround muscles in…


All great singers share five attributes and you can master these traits, but it takes dedication and work (practice)! When you think of an amazing singer, what do you notice? Most likely it’s their tone, how their voice sounds when singing a song.

The first attribute is belting out the notes. Belting is not yelling; it’s producing a strong and powerful sound using breath & diaphragm support. Breathing into the diaphragm and exhaling using the diaphragm and surround muscles in your core to control the airflow. Read the blog from October 29, 2020 “How To Belt Out The High Notes!”

The second attribute is great singers know how to control their voice and hold notes with and without vibrato…it’s all about control. Vibrato is when your voice wavers up and down just slightly. John Legend uses a lot of vibrato in the song “All of Me.” Read the blog from August 17, 2020 “What is Vibrato” and the August 21st blog “The Opposite of Vibrato” which is holding a note solid, no movement and staying on the pitch.

The Third attribute is singing with a well-supported and rich sound from the chest voice (register). Vocal tone in the chest voice is individual, for instance, Bruno Mars will sing the same notes as Sam Smith, but the tone is completely different. Read the blog from September 23, 2020 “How To Use Your Chest Voice.” If you have a high voice you can access your chest voice. Practice your vocal exercises daily (especially the bubble) to extend your voice lower (note by note) and learn how to sing from the chest register.

The fourth attribute is singing with your head voice (register). To sing the higher notes your vocal cords need to stretch and thin out. You can learn how to sing with your head voice and it will extend your vocal range. Read the blog from September 22, 2020 “Singing The High Notes!”

The fifth and last attribute is all great singers use a mixed voice when they sing. The middle voice is the bridge between your head voice and your chest voice. Singing in a mixed voice means you combine the head and chest voice at the same time. Singing in a mixed voice will produce a fuller, stronger and richer sound (tone). Read the blog from October 27, 2020 “Singing In A Mixed Voice” and create the full and thick voice.

These are the most common traits among the great singers! It’s important to know exactly what to work on. Give me a call if you would like a vocal evaluation to see what you need to work on.


What type of soap did the composer use? Anti-BACH-terial.

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